
Really? Do you want to know about me?

Well, I am Aditi Mishra who owns this mishraditi.com

This blog url reads backward because I missed out on renewing my domain name, and then someone from New Delhi ended up buying it before me. I first bought the domain name with my actual name in the year 2005. But in the year 2015, I skipped renewing it.

So, that is how on this blog url I am on my family name, then my name. In a way that is good, cause I get to put my genealogy before me. By the way, I also saved on one alphabet since the last letter of my family name and the first letter of my name are common.

OK. Now the serious part.

I guess you are here reading about me because you wish to learn a thing or two about Writing for the Web. Great. I can help you with that.

This is me, a woman in her late 30s who lives a laptop life.


Aditi Mishra ~ mishraditi.com
Aditi Mishra from mishraditi.com

I too have been a typical 9-5 person years ago. Though today I write blogs, books, and content for websites. But for most parts of the day I sleep/ eat/ travel. That is possible because my various writing projects earn me a passive income.

Due to constant coaxing from readers on Quora and Twitter, I started this blog. I use this blog as a tool to share my Writing journey with the World.

If you own a Startup or if you are a Solopreneur. Then, you can use this site to jumpstart your business. All your questions related to Content Writing/ Marketing and Monetizations will find a solution here.

Feel free to be a part of my Inbound Marketing world by subscribing to updates and getting tons of Content Writing Resources.


I got a handful of certifications from some prestigious bodies. Few of which are as below:

1. SEMrush Digital Marketing Certification for Content Marketers

Digital Marketing Certification ~ SEMrush Content Marketers
Digital Marketing Certification ~ SEMrush Content Marketers

2. SEMrush SEO Fundamentals Certification


Digital Marketing Certification ~ SEMrush SEO Fundamentals
Digital Marketing Certification ~ SEMrush SEO Fundamentals


3. HubSpot Social Media Certification

Digital Marketing Certification ~ HubSpot Social Media Certification
Digital Marketing Certification ~ HubSpot Social Media Certification


4. HubSpot Content Marketing Certification


Digital Marketing Certification ~ HubSpot Content Marketing Certification
Digital Marketing Certification ~ HubSpot Content Marketing Certification


I am working on more right now…..